суббота, 17 марта 2012 г.

Lady Gaga by ANART

Lady Gaga is a great inspiration for artistic people, but for me she is not only about her outfits and cool looks, she is a symbol of changing the world. Her impact is very noticeable even right now. First of all her impact in music change the way how people perform and dress to perform on the stage. Then she is very concerned about youth, their safety, their development, and about atmosphere in our society. Love as a key could change a lot of things in this world and Lady Gaga is one of the movers in this changing. Some centuries ago cruelty was a norm and people enjoyed public executions, but now things are different, we are different, so we could progress and except love as major, key point in building our communication and interrelation.

I decided to put USA Flag behind Lady Gaga, because I think, that she shows first of all to all Americans and then to the rest of the world, that American norms or frames of life should be shifted, because of that people crow unacceptance and hatred. People are different and in difference we may found beauty of the nature. 

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