вторник, 23 августа 2011 г.


Ancient Greek vase arts or Roman wine gobleets show us first examples of male homo-erotism in the history of art. Then Several Italian Renaissance artists used homo-erotism in their works, for example Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo. 

So I wanted to make my own inpact  in homo-erotic art. These are my works:

среда, 3 августа 2011 г.

I'm the queenest QUEEN

Christian Dior
 Haute Couture
(spring summer 2011)

My new work is dedicated to the Christian Dior Haute Couture collection (spring summer 2011). It was the last collection of Dior with John Galliano, so that's why I chose the English crown,because of the origin of  Galliano.

вторник, 2 августа 2011 г.

понедельник, 1 августа 2011 г.

Jesus is a brand

My new work is "Jesus is a new black". I took thise phrase from the new song of Lady Gaga and to tell the truth I do not think that Jesus became a brand today. Companies use this brand more and more often. I'm not a religious person at all, but I do not think that it is right way to treat to such a great symbol.